stdin: Collecting messages from the standard input stream
The stdin() driver collects messages from the standard input stream. When the standard input stream is closed, syslog-ng OSE stops and stdin() inherits all options from the file() source, including multi-line options, or flags(no-parse).
The stdin() driver causes syslog-ng OSE to exit once it hits end-of-file (EOF).
Example: Using the stdin() driverPermalink
@version: 3.38
log {
source { stdin(); };
destination { file("/dev/stdout"); };
The following code snippet is an example of how the stdin() driver is used to collect a test message:
$ echo "this is a test message" | ./syslog-ng -Fe --no-caps
[2017-11-14T13:47:16.757938] syslog-ng starting up; version=’3.12.1’
[2017-11-14T13:47:16.758195] syslog-ng shutting down; version=’3.12.1’
Nov 14 13:47:16 testserver this is a test message