It is possible to set the facility field with the set-facility() rewrite function. When set, the set-facility() rewrite function will only rewrite the `PRIORITY` field in the message to the first parameter value specified in the function.

NOTE: If the specified parameter value is not a valid value, the function ignores it and sends a debug message. However, the (syslog-ng OSE application will still send the message.


log {
  source { system(); };
    if (program("postfix")) {
      rewrite { set-facility("mail"); };
    destination { file("/var/log/mail.log"); };


The set-facility() rewrite function has a single, mandatory parameter that can be defined as follows:

set-facility( "parameter1" );

Accepted values

The set-facility() rewrite function accepts the following values:

  • numeric strings: [0-7]

  • named values: emerg, emergency, panic, alert, crit, critical, err, error, warning, warn, notice, info, informational, debug

Example usage for the set-facility() rewrite function

The following example can be used in production for the set-facility() rewrite function.

rewrite {
