The syslog-ng OSE application can use various methods to detect changes in the followed file() and wildcard-file() sources. Under the hood, two different change watchers operate: one for detecting changes in the followed directories and one for monitoring changes in the followed files.

Directory monitoring

The detection method for directory changes can be controlled via monitor-method(). If the method is poll, syslog-ng OSE will set up an (ivykis) timer that periodically checks and compares the content of the given directory at the frequency specified by monitor-freq(). This periodic polling can be resource-intensive (mainly CPU), so selecting the proper value for monitor-freq() is important!
This is not an issue on Linux, where you can use inotify for monitor-method(), or on BSD-based systems, where kqueue is available. These methods can automatically notify syslog-ng OSE about changes with no significant resource usage impact.
Setting the auto method will select the best available method on the given OS.

Following file changes

Detecting file content changes involves more factors that can affect resource usage and overall performance. syslog-ng OSE uses two main methods to monitor file content changes.

The first method is automatically selected if the follow-freq() option has a value greater than 0. It works like the directory monitoring poll monitor-method() and uses an (ivykis) timer with the frequency of follow-freq(). It tries to detect changes in the file content (as well as state, file deletion, and moves) each time the timer fires. Similar to directory change monitoring, this process can be resource-intensive, so you should find the proper setting to balance performance, resource usage, and fault tolerance (such as avoiding log message loss).

The second method is activated if the follow-freq() option is set to 0. It uses ivykis poll methods, sometimes resembling the poll method for directory change watching described above (with its performance penalties), but often working similarly to the inotify or kqueue version (with seamless performance).

The following table shows which method is selected in different cases.


file follow method


macOS, FreeBSD



ivykis poll

port-timer, port



should work
(not tested yet)




should work
(not tested yet)

epoll-timer, epoll

does not work


should work
(not tested yet)






works, but always signals readability


should work
(not tested yet)


works, but always signals readability

works, but always signals readability

works, but always signals readability

> 0

syslog-ng poll
using ivykis timer with timer freq set to follow-freq() value




A bit more detail about the notation in the platform columns and what they really mean:

n.a. - Means that the feature is not supported on the given platform by default, which has a significant impact on how the final ivykis poll method is selected. Ivykis tries to set up (at initialization time) the method to be used in the order enumerated in the table above. If an option is n.a. (determined at build time), then the next option will be used automatically. The first available option will be used, and if it does not work on the given platform (see does not work below), then syslog-ng OSE will stop that file source with an error. This can be controlled using the IV_EXCLUDE_POLL_METHOD environment variable. Methods enumerated in it will be excluded from the ivykis initialization flow, and the next available (and not excluded) one will be used. The strings that can be used in IV_EXCLUDE_POLL_METHOD are port-timer port dev_poll epoll-timerfd epoll kqueue ppoll poll in the same order as in the table.
e.g., on Linux you should use IV_EXCLUDE_POLL_METHOD="epoll-timerfd epoll" to force the usage of the ppoll method, as port-timer port dev_poll are not available, and epoll-timerfd epoll are not working currently. However, note that currently ppoll and poll are the only working options on Linux, and they are far from optimal, unlike on BSD-based systems like macOS, where the default kqueue is a perfect option to use.

NOTE: We are planning to add an inotify, io_uring or similar-based solution to ivykis that could perform similarly to kqueue. Stay tuned!

works - Means it is tested and works seamlessly (based on our tests).

works, but always signals readability - Means that the method is available on the given platform, but it is primarily designed for sockets, pipes, and similar uses, not for regular files. For regular files, it is always triggered (because regular files are always readable), behaving similarly to the poll method of directory monitoring with all of its disadvantages. Moreover, it could lead to even higher resource consumption (mainly CPU load) because follow-freq() does not control the frequency of the triggered internal file checks, which could occur hundreds or thousands of times per second.

does not work - Means that the method is available on the given platform but currently does not work as expected for various reasons.
