Similarly to the type() options, the flags() options are also optional within regular expressions.

The following list describes each type() option’s flags() options.

Literal string searches

Literal string searches have the following flags() options:


Usable only in rewrite rules, flags("global") matches for every occurrence of the expression, not only the first one.


Disables case-sensitivity.


During the matching process, patterns (also called search expressions) are matched against the input string starting from the beginning of the input string, and the input string is matched only for the maximum character length of the pattern. The initial characters of the pattern and the input string must be identical in the exact same order, and the pattern's length is definitive for the matching process (that is, if the pattern is longer than the input string, the match will fail).

Example: matching / non-matching patterns for the input string 'exam'

For the input string 'exam',

  • the following patterns will match:

    • 'ex' (the pattern contains the initial characters of the input string in the exact same order)

    • 'exam' (the pattern is an exact match for the input string)

  • the following patterns will not match:

    • 'example' (the pattern is longer than the input string)

    • 'hexameter' (the pattern's initial characters do not match the input string's characters in the exact same order, and the pattern is longer than the input string)


Stores the matches of the regular expression into the $0, ... $255 variables. The $0 stores the entire match, $1 is the first group of the match (parentheses), and so on. Named matches (also called named subpatterns), for example, (?<name>...), are stored as well. Matches from the last filter expression can be referenced in regular expressions.

NOTE: To convert match variables into a syslog-ng OSE list, use the $* macro, which can be further manipulated using List manipulation, or turned into a list in type-aware destinations.


The given literal string will match when the pattern is found within the input. Unlike flags("prefix"), the pattern does not have to be identical with the given literal string.

Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE)

Starting with syslog-ng OSE version 3.1, PCRE expressions are supported on every platform. If the type() parameter is not specified, syslog-ng OSE uses PCRE regular expressions by default.

The following example shows the structure of PCRE-style regular expressions in use.

Example: Using PCRE regular expressions

rewrite r_rewrite_subst {
    subst("a*", "?", value("MESSAGE") flags("utf8" "global"));

PCRE-style regular expressions have the following flags() options:


Switches off the just-in-time compilation function for PCRE regular expressions.


Allows using duplicate names for named subpatterns.

Configuration example:

filter { match("(?<DN>foo)|(?<DN>bar)" value(MSG) flags(store-matches, dupnames)); };
destination { file(/dev/stdout template("$DN\n")); };


Usable only in rewrite rules, flags("global") matches for every occurrence of the expression, not only the first one.


Disables case-sensitivity.


When configured, it changes the newline definition used in PCRE regular expressions to accept either of the following:

  • a single carriage-return

  • linefeed

  • the sequence carriage-return and linefeed (\r, \n and \r\n, respectively)

This newline definition is used when the circumflex and dollar patterns (\^ and $) are matched against an input. By default, PCRE interprets the linefeed character as indicating the end of a line. It does not affect the \r, \n or \R characters used in patterns.


Stores the matches of the regular expression into the $0, ... $255 variables. The $0 stores the entire match, $1 is the first group of the match (parentheses), and so on. Named matches (also called named subpatterns), for example, (?<name>...), are stored as well. Matches from the last filter expression can be referenced in regular expressions.

NOTE: To convert match variables into a syslog-ng OSE list, use the $* macro, which can be further manipulated using List manipulation, or turned into a list in type-aware destinations.


Uses Unicode support for UTF-8 matches: UTF-8 character sequences are handled as single characters.


An alias for the unicode flag.

Glob patterns without regular expression support

There are no supported flags() options for glob patterns without regular expression support.
