During the course of a message from the sending application to the final destination of the message, there are a number of locations where a message may be lost, even though syslog-ng OSE does its best to avoid message loss. Usually losing messages can be avoided with careful planning and proper configuration of syslog-ng OSE and the hosts running syslog-ng.

The following list shows the possible locations where messages may be lost, and provides methods to minimize the risk of losing messages:

  • Between the application and the syslog-ng OSE client: Make sure to use an appropriate source to receive the logs from the application (for example, from /dev/log). For example, use unix-stream instead of unix-dgram whenever possible.

  • When syslog-ng OSE is sending messages: If syslog-ng OSE cannot send messages to the destination and the output buffer gets full, syslog-ng OSE will drop messages.

    Use flags (flow-control) to avoid this (for details, see Configuring flow-control.

    For more information about the error caused by the missing flow-control, see Destination queue full in Error messages.

    The number of dropped messages is displayed per destination in the log message statistics of syslog-ng OSE (for details, see Statistics of syslog-ng.

  • On the network: When transferring messages using the UDP protocol, messages may be lost without any notice or feedback — such is the nature of the UDP protocol. Always use the TCP protocol to transfer messages over the network whenever possible.

  • In the socket receive buffer: When transferring messages using the UDP protocol, the UDP datagram (that is, the message) that reaches the receiving host placed in a memory area called the socket receive buffer. If the host receives more messages than it can process, this area overflows, and the kernel drops messages without letting syslog-ng OSE know about it. Using TCP instead of UDP prevents this issue. If you must use the UDP protocol, increase the size of the receive buffer using the so-rcvbuf() option.

  • When syslog-ng OSE is receiving messages:

  • When the destination cannot handle large load: When syslog-ng OSE is sending messages at a high rate into an SQL database, a file, or another destination, it is possible that the destination cannot handle the load, and processes the messages slowly. As a result, the buffers of syslog-ng OSE fill up, syslog-ng OSE cannot process the incoming messages, and starts to loose messages. For details, see the previous entry. Use the throttle parameter to avoid this problem.

  • As a result of an unclean shutdown of the syslog-ng OSE server: If the host running the syslog-ng OSE server experiences an unclean shutdown, it takes time until the clients realize that the connection to the syslog-ng OSE server is down. Messages that are put into the output TCP buffer of the clients during this period are not sent to the server.

  • When syslog-ng OSE is writing messages into files: If syslog-ng OSE receives a signal (SIG) while writing log messages to file, the log message that is processed by the write call can be lost if the flush_lines parameter is higher than 1.
