The syslog-ng OSE application does not parse the fields of the incoming messages into name-value pairs. It is only capable of forwarding messages using the opentelemetry() destination. To parse the fields into name-value pairs, use the opentelemetry() parser.

This parser parses the fields into name-value pairs starting with the .otel. prefix.

  • The type of the message is stored in .otel.type. Accepted values:
    • log
    • metric
    • span
  • Resource information is mapped into .otel.resource.<...>. Examples:
    • .otel.resource.dropped_attributes_count
    • .otel.resource.schema_url
  • Scope information is mapped into .otel.scope.<...>. Examples:
    • .otel.scope.schema_url
  • The fields of log records are mapped into .otel.log.<...>. Examples:
    • .otel.log.body
    • .otel.log.severity_text
  • The fields of metrics are mapped into .otel.metric.<...>. Example:
    • .otel.metric.unit
    • The type of the metric is mapped into Possible values:
      • gauge
      • sum
      • histogram
      • exponential_histogram
      • summary
    • The actual data is mapped into<type>.<...>. Example:
  • The fields of traces are mapped into .otel.span.<...>. Example:
    • .otel.span.trace_state Repeated fields have an index, for example,

For more information on the parsed fields, the OpenTelemetry proto files can be accessed on GitHub.

Mapping data types

String, bool, int64, double, and bytes values are mapped to their respective syslog-ng OSE name-value type, for example, .otel.resource.attributes.string_key becomes a string value.

The mapping of AnyValue type fields is limited.

ArrayValue and KeyValueList types are stored serialized with the protobuf type.

NOTE: protobuf and bytes types are only available, unless explicitly type cast. For example, bytes(${.otel.log.span_id}). When using template functions, use –include-bytes, for example, $({format-json} .otel.* --include-bytes). In the case of $({format-json}), the content is base64-encoded into the bytes content.
