If you were using the Java implementation of the kafka destination and want to shift to its C implementation, the following changes to the configuration file and considerations are necessary.

  • Unlike the old one, the new topic() option can not handle templates. It must be a string.

  • The template() option has been renamed message().

  • The kafka-bootstrap-servers() option has been renamed bootstrap-servers().

  • The properties-file() is a Java properties file with options that are similar to, but not identical with, the options in the old, Java implementation’s properties-file(). For more information, click here. TODO

  • The sync-send() option has been deprecated. Remove it from the configuration file.

  • The client_lib_dir() option has been deprecated. Remove it from the configuration file.

  • The old implementation’s option() option has been removed and replaced by the config() option, which has a different syntax.

For more information, see Options of the kafka() destination’s C implementation.
