This section describes getting the status information of the disk-buffer files used in syslog-ng OSE.

Command syntax

The basic command syntax for getting the status information of the disk-buffer files used in syslog-ng OSE looks like the following:


Example commands

The following example commands describe how you can get the status information of two different types of disk-buffer files (namely, empty normal disk-buffer files, and non-empty reliable disk-buffer queue files).

Example commands for empty, normal disk-buffer files, and non-empty, reliable disk-buffer queue files

Empty, normal disk-buffer file

dqtool info /var/lib/syslog-ng/syslog-ng-00000.qf

Disk-buffer state loaded; filename=’/var/lib/syslog-ng/syslog-ng-00000.qf’, number_of_messages=’0’

Non-empty, reliable disk-buffer queue file

dqtool info /opt/syslog-ng/var/syslog-ng-00000.rqf

Reliable disk-buffer state loaded; filename=’/opt/syslog-ng/var/syslog-ng-00000.rqf’, number_of_messages=’10’

One-liner command to get the state of disk-buffer files in the default directory

You can use the following one-liner command to get the state of disk-buffer files in the default directory:

for qfile in /opt/syslog-ng/var/*.?(r)qf ; do dqtool info $qfile 2>&1 ; done
