The syslog-ng() destination driver forwards log messages to another syslog-ng OSE node in EWMM format.

The Enterprise-wide message model (EWMM) allows you to deliver structured messages from the initial receiving syslog-ng OSE component right up to the central log server, through any number of hops. It does not matter if you parse the messages on the client, on a relay, or on the central server, their structured results will be available where you store the messages. Optionally, you can also forward the original raw message as the first syslog-ng component in your infrastructure has received it, which is important if you want to forward a message for example, to a SIEM system. To make use of the enterprise-wide message model, you have to use the syslog-ng() destination on the sender side, and the default-network-drivers() source on the receiver side.

The syslog-ng() destination driver is available in version 3.16 and later. The node that receives this message must use the default-network-drivers() source to properly handle the messages.

The following is a sample log message in EWMM format.

<13>1 2018-05-13T13:27:50.993+00:00 my-host @syslog-ng - - - {“MESSAGE”:”<34>Oct 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: ‘su root’ failed for username on /dev/pts/8”,”HOST_FROM”:”my-host”,”HOST”:”my-host”,”FILE_NAME”:”/tmp/in”,”._TAGS”:”.source.s_file”}


destination d_ewmm {

Note in this driver you have to set the address of the destination server using the server() parameter (in some other destinations, this parameter does not have an explicit name).
