If you connect load balancers to your syslog-ng OSE application, syslog-ng OSE identifies every connection that is connected to the load balancers identically by default, regardless of the source IP or the source protocol.

Essentially, the load balancer masks the source IP unless you enable Proxy Protocol support for your proxy TLS transport() to inject information about the original connection into the forwarded TCP session.

In syslog-ng OSE version 4.1 and later versions, PROXY protocol v2 (transport(proxied-tcp)) is supported. This protocol is used by network load balancers, such as Amazon Elastic Load Balancer and HAProxy, to carry original source/destination address information, as described in the Proxy protocol description.

For further details about the working mechanism behind the Proxy Protocol support on syslog-ng OSE and the configuration details, see the following sections.
