The mongodb() driver sends messages to a MongoDB database. MongoDB is a schema-free, document-oriented database. For the list of available optional parameters, see mongodb() destination options.



The mongodb() driver does not support creating indexes, as that can be a very complex operation in MongoDB. If needed, the administrator of the MongoDB database must ensure that indexes are created on the collections.

The mongodb() driver does not add the _id field to the message: the MongoDB server will do that automatically, if none is present. If you want to override this field from syslog-ng OSE, use the key() parameter of the value-pairs() option.

The syslog-ng OSE mongodb() driver is compatible with MongoDB server version 1.4 and newer.

NOTE: Prior to version 4.0, syslog-ng OSE handled all data as strings, and allowed the strings to be converted into other types of data that only data formats of certain destinations supported. In syslog-ng OSE 4.0 and later versions, each name-value pair is a (name, type, value) triplet, and several components of syslog-ng OSE 4.0 support this format. For details, see Specifying data types in value-pairs.

NOTE: By default, syslog-ng OSE handles every message field as a string. For details on how to send selected fields as other types of data (for example, handle the PID as a number), see Specifying data types in value-pairs.

Example: Using the mongodb() driver

The following example creates a mongodb() destination using only default values.

destination d_mongodb {

The following example displays the default values.

destination d_mongodb {
            scope("selected-macros" "nv-pairs" "sdata")

The following example shows the same setup using the deprecated libmongo-client syntax, and is equivalent with the previous example.

destination d_mongodb {
            scope("selected-macros" "nv-pairs" "sdata")
