Available in syslog-ng OSE version 4.4 and later versions. The s3() destination sends log messages to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) object storage service. Log messages can be sent over TCP, or encrypted with TLS.


  • An already existing S3 bucket configured for programmatic access, and the related ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY of a user that can access it.
  • If the venv (/usr/bin/syslog-ng-update-virtualenv) created by syslog-ng OSE is not used, the boto3 and/or botocore Python dependencies must be installed.

To use the s3() driver, the scl.conf file must be included in the syslog-ng OSE configuration:

@include "scl.conf"

The s3() driver is actually a reusable configuration snippet. For details on using or writing such configuration snippets, see Reusing configuration blocks.



Creating Objects

syslog-ng OSE can create a new object based on the following strategies:

  • Based on object size:The max-object-size() option configures syslog-ng OSE to complete an object if it reaches a certain size. syslog-ng OSE appends an index (“-1”, “-2”, …) to the end of the object key, then starts a new object.
  • Based on timestamp: The object-key-timestamp() option can be used to set a timestamp related template, which is appended to the end of an object, for example: “${R_MONTH_ABBREV}${R_DAY}”. When a log message arrives with a newer timestamp template resolution, the previous timestamped object is completed and a new one is started with a new timestamp. If an older message arrives, it does not reopen the old object, but starts a new object with the key having an index appended to the old object.
  • Based on timeout: The flush-grace-period() option sets the number of minutes to wait for new messages to arrive after the last one. If the timeout expires, syslog-ng OSE completes the object, and opens a new object (with an appended index) when a new message arrives.

All of these methods can be used individually, or together.

Upload options

syslog-ng OSE uploads objects using the multipart upload API. syslog-ng OSE composes chunks locally. When a chunk reaches the size set in chunk-size() (by default 5 MiB), the chunk is uploaded. When an object is finished, the multipart upload is completed and S3 merges the chunks.

The upload can be configured with the chunk-size(), upload-threads(), and the max-pending-uploads() options.
