The `darwin-oslog()` source is based on the native OSLog Framework to read logs from the local store of the unified logging system on darwin OSes. The syslog-ng OSE `system()` source automatically uses this new source on darwin platforms if the `darwinosl` plugin is available. This plugin is available only on macOS 10.15 Catalina and later versions. The 10.15 version is the first to support the OSLog API.

NOTE: The persistent OSLog store keeps about 7 days of logs on the disk.

The darwin-oslog() source has the following options.


Type: string
Default: (eventType == 'logEvent' || eventType == 'lossEvent' || eventType == 'stateEvent' || eventType == 'userActionEvent') && (logType != 'debug')

Description: String for native macOS log message filtering using predicates. For example, the following predicate selects AirDrop logs: subsystem=="" and category=="AirDrop"


Type: boolean
Default: no

Description: By default, syslog-ng OSE continues to read the logs from the last remembered position after a restart. If this option is set to yes, it always starts reading from the end or beginning of the available log list (depending on the setting of the go-reverse() option.


Type: integer
Default: 10000

Description: Sets the time syslog-ng OSE waits between reading and sending log messages. The dimension of this parameter is a fraction of a second, where wait_time = 1 second / <defined value>, so setting 1 would result that only about 1 log is sent in each second, and 1000000 means only 1 microsecond is the delay between read/write attempts. The maximum value of this parameter is 1000000.

NOTE: Increasing the value of this parameter (which lowers delay time) can increase log feed performance, but at could increase system load.


Type: integer
Default: 1

Description: Controls how many seconds syslog-ng OSE spends idle before checking for new logs, in case no new logs were read the last time.


Type: boolean
Default: no

Description: If set to yes, the logs are processed in reverse order (latest to oldest).


NOTE: This option is currently disabled due to an OSLog API bug.

Type: integer
Default: 0(unlimited)

Description: The maximum number of messages fetched from a source with a single poll loop. The destination queues might fill up before flow-control could stop reading if the defined log-fetch-limit() value is too high.


Type: integer
Default: 0(unlimited) [seconds]

Description: The maximum distance in seconds that a bookmark can point backwards. That is, if syslog-ng OSE is stopped for 10 minutes (600 seconds) and max-bookmark-distance() is set to 60, then syslog-ng OSE starts reading the logs from 60 seconds before the startup, missing 9 minutes (540 seconds) worth of logs.


Type: boolean
Default: no

Description: If set to yes, syslog-ng OSE starts reading logs starting from the oldest available log when the system starts, or if there are no bookmarks present.
