This section describes how syslog-ng OSE supports the Proxy Protocol.

The working mechanism behind the Proxy Protocol

When using the Proxy Protocol during load balancing, syslog-ng OSE detects the information behind connections connected to the load balancer, then parses the injected information and adds the following macros to every message the comes through the connection later on:

NOTE: Consider the following about macros and headers:

  • When the proxy protocol header is PROXY UNKNOWN, no additional macros are added.

  • When syslog-ng OSE cannot parse a proxy protocol header, the connection is closed:

[2020-11-20T17:33:22.189458] PROXY protocol header received; line=’PROXYdsfj’
[2020-11-20T17:33:22.189475] Error parsing PROXY protocol header;
[2020-11-20T17:33:22.189517] Syslog connection closed; fd=’13’,
client=’AF_INET(’, local=’AF_INET(’ [2020-11-20T17:33:22.189546] Freeing PROXY protocol source driver; driver=’0x7fffcba5bcf0’
[2020-11-20T17:33:22.189600] Closing log transport fd; fd=’13’

NOTE: Since the driver only implements version 1 of the protocol, it only supports TCP4 and TCP6 connections. TLS connections also supported.
