The sumologic-syslog() destination supports all network() destination options.

In addition, the sumologic-syslog() destination also has the following options.


Type: Directory name
Default: none

Description: The name of a directory that contains a set of trusted CA certificates in PEM format. The CA certificate files have to be named after the 32-bit hash of the subject's name. This naming can be created using the c_rehash utility in openssl. For an example, see Configuring TLS on the syslog-ng OSE clients. The syslog-ng OSE application uses the CA certificates in this directory to validate the certificate of the peer.

This option can be used together with the optional ca-file() option.

NOTE: During a TLS handshake, syslog-ng OSE automatically sets the certificate_authorities field of the certificate request based on the ca-file() and ca-dir() options.


Type: File name
Default: empty

Description: Optional. The name of a file that contains a set of trusted CA certificates in PEM format. The syslog-ng OSE application uses the CA certificates in this file to validate the certificate of the peer.

Example format in configuration:


NOTE: The ca-file() option can be used together with the ca-dir() option, and it is relevant when peer-verify() is set to other than no or optional-untrusted.

NOTE: During a TLS handshake, syslog-ng OSE automatically sets the certificate_authorities field of the certificate request based on the ca-file() and ca-dir() options.


Type: string
Default: empty string

Description: Required. This option specifies your Sumo Logic deployment.

For details on the deployment() option in the sumologic-http() destination's declaration, see Declaration for the sumologic-http() destination.

For details on the deployment() option in the sumologic-syslog() destination's declaration, see Declaration for the sumologic-syslog() destination.


Type: number
Default: 6514

Description: The port number of the Sumo Logic server.


Type: string list
Default: "tag"

Description: Optional. This option specifies the list of tags to add as the tags fields of Sumo Logic messages. If not specified, syslog-ng OSE automatically adds the tags already assigned to the message. If you set the tag() option, only the tags you specify will be added to the messages.


Type: tls options
Default: n/a

Description: This option sets various options related to TLS encryption, for example, key/certificate files and trusted CA locations. TLS can be used only with tcp-based transport protocols. For details, see TLS options.


Type: string

Description: Your Cloud Syslog Cloud Token that you received from Sumo Logic service while configuring your cloud syslog source.

Required option.
