Starting with syslog-ng OSE version 3.2, it is also possible to compare macro values and templates as numerical and string values. String comparison is alphabetical: it determines if a string is alphabetically greater or equal to another string. Use the following syntax to compare macro values or templates.

For details on macros and templates, see Customize message format using macros and templates.

filter <filter-id>
        {"<macro-or-template>" operator "<value-or-macro-or-template>"};

String and numerical comparison

syslog-ng Open Source Edition versions prior to 4.0 used separate operators for string comparisons (for example, eq). In version 4.0 and onwards, mathematical symbols can be used as operators (==, !=, >=), and syslog-ng Open Source Edition automatically determines how to compare the arguments based on their type.

  • If both sides of the comparison are strings, the comparison is string.

  • If at least one of the argument is numeric, the comparison is numeric.

  • Numbers not enclosed by quotation marks, are recognized as numeric.

  • It is possible to explicitly type-cast an argument as numeric.


  • if (“${.apache.httpversion}” == 1.0)

    The right side of the argument is 1.0 (a floating point literal), so the comparison is numeric.

  • if (double(“${.apache.httpversion}”) == “1.0”)

    The left side of the argument is explicitly type cast into double, the right side is a string (note the use of quotation marks), so the comparison is numeric.

  • if (“${.apache.request}” == “/wp-admin/login.php”)

    The left side of the argument is not type-cast, so it remains a string. The right side of the argument is also a string, so the comparison is string.

NOTE: The old string operators can still be used for the sake of backwards compatibility, but it is advised and easier to use the numeric operators for strings as well.

Example: Comparing macro values in filters

The following expression selects log messages containing a PID (that is, ${PID} macro is not empty):

filter f_pid {"${PID}" !=""};

The following expression selects log messages that do not contain a PID. Also, it uses a template as the left argument of the operator and compares the values as strings:

filter f_pid {"${HOST}${PID}" eq "${HOST}"};

The following example selects messages with priority level higher than 5.

filter f_level {"${LEVEL_NUM}" > "5"};

Note that:

  • The macro or template must be enclosed in double-quotes.

  • The $ character must be used before macros.

  • Using comparator operators can be equivalent to using filter functions, but is somewhat slower. For example, using "${HOST}" eq "myhost" is equivalent to using host("myhost" type(string)).

  • You can use any macro in the expression, including user-defined macros from parsers and results of pattern database classifications.

  • The results of filter functions are boolean values, so they cannot be compared to other values.

  • You can use boolean operators to combine comparison expressions.

The following operators are available:

Numerical operator String operator Meaning
== eq Equals
!= ne Not equal to
> gt Greater than
< lt Less than
>= ge Greater than or equal
=< le Less than or equal
