Macros, templates, and template functions allow you to fully customize the format of the message. This flexibility makes it possible to use syslog-ng OSE in some unexpected way if needed, for example, to emulate simple, plain-text protocols. The following example shows you how to send LPUSH commands to a Redis server.

NOTE: The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the flexibility of syslog-ng OSE. A dedicated Redis destination is available in syslog-ng OSE version 3.5. For details, see redis: Storing name-value pairs in Redis.

The following template is a valid LPUSH command in accordance with the Redis protocol, and puts the ${MESSAGE} into a separate list for every ${PROGRAM}:

template t_redis_lpush {
    template("*3\r\n$$5\r\nLPUSH\r\n$$$(length ${PROGRAM})\r\n${PROGRAM}\r\n$$$(length ${MESSAGE})\r\n${MESSAGE}\r\n");

If you use this template in a network() destination, syslog-ng OSE formats the message according to the template, and sends it to the Redis server.

destination d_redis_tcp {
    network("" port(6379) template(t_redis_lpush));
