Starting with version 3.34, you can send multiple log messages with the help of Redis’s pipelining feature.

Batch size

The batch-bytes(), batch-lines(), and batch-timeout() options of the destination determine how many log messages syslog-ng OSE sends in a batch. The batch-lines() option determines the maximum number of messages syslog-ng OSE puts in a batch in. This can be limited based on size and time:

To increase the performance of the destination, increase the number of worker threads for the destination using the workers() option, or adjust the batch-bytes(), batch-lines(), batch-timeout() options.

Example: Redis batch mode

The following destination sends log messages to a Redis server using the pipelining feature. A batch consists of 100 messages and is sent every 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds) if there is less than 100 messages are in the queue.

destination d_redis {
        command("HINCRBY", "hosts", "${HOST}", "1")
