This source is available in syslog-ng OSE 4.2 and later versions. Using this source syslog-ng OSE can fetch events from the Hypr REST API using the following drivers:

  • hypr-audit-trail(): is a source driver that pulls messages from the Hypr API, associated to any RP Application ID.
  • hypr-app-audit-trail(): is a source driver that pulls messages from the Hypr API, but only those associated to a specific RP Application ID.

Note: Applications that are registered after syslog-ng is started are not recognized.

Hyper Audit Trail

The hypr-audit-trail() source queries the Hypr API for the list of potential applications at startup, then monitors the audit trail for each of the detected applications.

To follow audit trails restart syslog-ng.

Example: hypr-audit-trail minimal configuration

source s_hypr {
        url('https://<custom domain>')
        bearer-token('<base64 encoded bearer token>')

Example: hypr-audit-trail detailed configuration

source s_hypr {
        url('https://<custom domain>')
        bearer-token('<base64 encoded bearer token>')
        page-size(<number of results to return in a single page>)
        initial-hours(<number of hours to search backward on initial fetch>)
        application-skip-list('HYPRDefaultApplication', 'HYPRDefaultWorkstationApplication')
        flags(<optional flags passed to the source>)

Hypr App Audit Trail

The hypr-app-audit-trail() monitors the audit trail for one specific RP Application ID. This driver requires the rp-app-id() parameter in order to operate.


These chapters are based on hypr-audit-trail() documentation written by Dan Elder and Axoflow.
