This post explains how you can collect native macOS log messages using two new sources darwin-oslog() and darwin-oslog-stream()

Collecting native macOS system logs

Two new sources have been added on macOS darwin-oslog() and darwin-oslog-stream()

darwin-oslog() replaced the earlier file source based solution with a native OSLog framework based one, and is automatically used in the system() source on darwin platform if the darwinosl plugin is presented.

This plugin is available only on macOS 10.15 Catalina and above, the first version that has the OSLog API.


This is a native OSLog Framework based source to read logs from the local store of the unified logging system on darwin OSes. For more info, see oslog

The following parameters can be used for customization:

  • filter-predicate()
    • string value, which can be used to filter the log messages natively
    • default value: (eventType == 'logEvent' || eventType == 'lossEvent' || eventType == 'stateEvent' || eventType == 'userActionEvent') && (logType != 'debug')
    • for more details, see
  • go-reverse()
    • boolean value, setting to yes will provide a reverse-ordered log list (from latest to oldest)
    • default value: no
  • do-not-use-bookmark()
    • boolean value, setting to yes will prevent syslog-ng OSE from continuing to feed the logs from the last remembered position after a (re-)start, which means, depending on the other settings, the feed will always start from the end/beginning of the available log list
    • default value: no, which means syslog-ng OSE will attempt to continue feeding from the last remembered log position after a (re-)start
  • max-bookmark-distance()
    • integer value, maximum distance in seconds that far an earlier bookmark can point backward, e.g. if syslog-ng OSE was stopped for 10 minutes and max-bookmark-distance is set to 60 then syslog-ng OSE will start feeding the logs only from the last 60 seconds at startup, 9 minutes of logs ‘will be lost’
    • default value: 0, which means no limit
  • read-old-records()
    • boolean value, controls if syslog-ng OSE should start reading logs from the oldest available at first start (or if no bookmark can be found)
    • default value: no
  • fetch-delay()
    • integer value, controls how much time syslog-ng OSE should wait between reading/sending log messages, this is a fraction of a second, where wait_time = 1 second / n, so, e.g. n=1 means that only about 1 log will be read and sent in each second, and n=1 000 000 means only 1 microsecond (the allowed minimum value now!) will be the delay between read/write attempts
    • Use with care, though lower delay time can increase log feed performance, at the same time could lead to a heavy system load!
    • default value: 10 000
  • fetch-retry-delay()
    • integer value, controls how many seconds syslog-ng OSE will wait before a repeated attempt to read/send once it’s out of available logs
    • default value: 1
  • log-fetch-limit()
    • Warning: This option is now disabled due to an OSLog API bug, once it’s fixed it will be enabled again
    • integer value, that limits the number of logs syslog-ng OSE will send in one run
    • default value: 0, which means no limit

NOTE: the persistent OSLog store is not infinite, depending on your system setting usually, it keeps about 7 days of logs on disk, so it could happen that the above options cannot operate the way you expect, e.g. if syslog-ng OSE was stopped for about more then a week it could happen that will not be able to restart from the last saved bookmark position (as that might not be presented in the persistent log anymore)


This is a wrapper around the OS command line “log stream” command that can provide a live log stream feed. Unlike in the case of darwin-oslog() the live stream can contain non-persistent log events too, so take care, there might be a huge number of log events every second that could put an unusual load on the device running syslog-ng OSE with this source. Unfortunately, there’s no public API to get the same programmatically, so this one is implemented using a program() source.

Possible parameters:

  • params()
    • a string that can contain all the possible params the macOS log tool can accept
    • see log --help stream for full reference, and man log for more details
    • IMPORTANT: the parameter --style is used internally (defaults to ndjson), so it cannot be overridden, please use other sysylog-ng features (templates, rewrite rules, etc.) for final output formatting
    • default value: --type log --type trace --level info --level debug, you can use `def-osl-stream-params` for referencing it if you wish to keep the defaults when you add your own
