Jekyll is felxible and extendable, accepts various plugins, liquid or markdown extensions, and we are using a bit of all of them.

This pure liquid include file can be used to generate markdown links from the links created by our generate_links plugin with various additionsl parameters.

It can declare

[ref:{{ md_link_id }}]: {{ md_link_url | relative_url }}

or define

[{{ md_link_title }}]({{ md_link_url | relative_url }}){: {{ md_link_style }} }

a markdown link, where the link url and title is handled automatically using the given ID.

Please note that the url and the default title text must not be provided here (though can be overriden if needed), the lookup of them will be automatic based on the given ID, the generate_links collected links in the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/links folder are also available via the liquid variable, markdown_link uses this variable as well to search for the given ID and the corresponding title and url.

You can use the following parameters to adjust the composition of the above md_link_ options:

  • decl, a boolean string 'yes', 'no' or value true, false that controls if the generated link is a declaration, or definition, e.g.:

      {% include markdown_link id='id' decl=true %}

    markdown output

      [ref:id]: url

    that you can use later like

      [custom title][ref:id]
  • id, the link ID, e.g.:

      {% include markdown_link id='id' %}

    markdown output

      [title](url){: class="nav-link" }

    Please note that the class="nav-link" style is always added to the link, except if outOfFrame is set to yes

  • title, a custom title that can override the one that belongs to the given link ID, e.g.:

      {% include markdown_link id='id' title='custom title' %}

    markdown output

      [custom title](url){: class="nav-link" }
  • withTooltip, a boolean string 'yes', 'no' or value true, false that controls if the genrated link should have css class style that is treated as autolink/tooltip, e.g.:

      {% include markdown_link id='id' withTooltip=true %}

    markdown output

      [title](url){: class="nav-link content-tooltip" }

    generate_tooltips will use the content-tooltip class to generate autolink/tooltip.

  • newPage, a boolean string 'yes', 'no' or value true, false that controls if a navigational click on the generated final HTML anchor element will open the link in a new browser tab, or window, e.g.:

      {% include markdown_link id='id' newPage=true %}

    markdown output

      [title](url){: class="nav-link" target="_blank" }
  • outOfFrame, a boolean string 'yes', 'no' or value true, false that controls if a navigational click on the generated final HTML anchor element will open the linked content in the right frame of the page, or will trigger a full page load that replacing the current content entirely, e.g.:

      {% include markdown_link id='id' outOfFrame=true %}

    markdown output

      [title](url){: }

    Please note the absence of the class="nav-link" style, that will not be added if outOfFrame is true


liquify.rb is a nice liquid filter that parses liquid objects to their actual value, it is useful e.g. places wehre it is not happening automatically f.e. in page titles.

Our generate_links.rb Jekyll plugin creates the content of the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/link folder. The generated link files are created from all the H1-H6 headings, named anchors, and the page self-links of our markdown pages. The links are used for autolink/tooltip generation and page navigation ordering.


The generate_tooltips.rb Jekyll plugin is responsible for adding autolink/tooltip items to our pages. It uses multiple page render hook pases, please see the source-code why it is needed. It is far-far not optimal, makes the whole rendering process very slow now and needs enhancements badly, please feel free to contribute to make it more effective!

[[title|id]] markdown extension

The generate_tooltips plugin can interpret this format of markdown linking. It accepts the following formats

  • [[title]] This can force autolink/tooltip generation to use the encapsulated title string for title matching. This can be useful when the given title is part of a longer title sentence that otherwise will be used for the autolink/tooltip composition.
    In the following sentence

      The syslog-ng OSE darwin-oslog() source options explains how you can configure the new native macOS sytem log source.

    the darwin-oslog() source options normally will become an autolink/tooltip, as we have a page with this title which its own link is part of the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/links collection produced by generate_links, therefore will be transformed automatically to an autolink/tooltip by generate_tooltips.


      The [[syslog-ng OSE]] darwin-oslog() [[source]] options explains how you can configure the new native macOS sytem log source.

    the syslog-ng OSE and the source will become an autolink/tooltip instead.

  • [[title|id]] This can force autolink/tooltip generation to use a different title string for a given link id, or a different id (that way the link belongs to that id) for a given title string. This can be useful when the given title is ambigous in a given context, and one would like to force the generated autolink/tooltip point to a (different) specific location.
    In the following sentence

      The syslog-ng OSE darwin-oslog() [[source|adm-src-macos]] is a new native macOS sytem log source.

    the first occrence of source will become an autolink/tooltip to the admin-guide/060_Sources/085_macOS/ page, whilst the second one will point to the default admin-guide/200_About/002_Glossary#source.

  • [[title|-]] This is a special case which can be useful in a given context to temporally disable the generation of an autolink/tooltip, using this form the title text will not be touched at all, e.g.

      This can lead to the [[source|-]] of a misunderstanding.

    will produce

    This can lead to the source of a misunderstanding.

    without any autolink/tooltip generated (as in this context pointing to the default admin-guide/200_About/002_Glossary#source page is meaningless, and confusing).

  • Any other combination with a missing title or id leads to an error message during build time and keeps the original special markdown part in the HTML output to signal the error visually as well, e.g.

      This can lead to the [[source|]] markdown reflected back in the final HTML output.

    will produce

    This can lead to the [[source|]] markdown reflected back in the final HTML output.

A small cross-reference table of the use cases

 [[ case ]]      found          success         result
[[title|id]] id found ok the title text transformed to autolink/tootlip, its autolink/tooltip created based by id and the url belongs to that id
[[title|id]] id not found error msg the markdown is included into the HTML output
[[title]] found ok the title text transformed to autolink/tootlip, its autolink/tooltip created based by the id of the first matching title in the link collection created by generate_links, and the url belongs to the found id
[[title]] not found error msg the markdown is included into the HTML output
[[title|-]] n/a ok the exact title text without any modification
[[title|]] n/a error msg the markdown is included into the HTML output
[[|id]] n/a error mg the markdown is included into the HTML output

Example results of above cases from top down

existing id with title test

unknown [[id|unknown-id]] test

forced existing source test

forced none existing [[title]] test

forced original text source test

empty [[id|]] test

empty title [[|doc-jekyll-extensions]] test


This enhancement allows us to create automatic links and Wikiwand like tooltips (previews of linked articles) in the markdown documentation pages to

  • other local pages, based on their title text [h1 heading]
  • headings [h2-h6] of any local pages, based on the heading text
  • named anchors of any local pages, based on the anchor text
  • any of the above, via given text parts that enumerated in the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/link_aliases.yml file
  • any of the above, via given text parts that marked using our custom markdown notation
  • any of the above, via our markdown_link liquid include
  • external pages, via given text parts enumerated in the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/external_links.yml file

The automatic link and tooltip generation primarily use one-to-one text matching of the given text in the above enumerated cases to the markdown content, from the longest sentence to the shortest one. You can exclude specific sentences from the process using ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/excluded_titles.yml.
These can all be overridden by using the [[title|id]] markdown extension, which always has priority over these rules (even over the exclusions!).

The basic flow is as follows:

  • in the first site generation pass
  • in the second site generation pass, the generate_tooltips tool
    • builds a link dictionary from all the page links of ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/links/ folder sorted by title length in reverse order
    • adds aliases to the given titles in the link dictionary from the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/link_aliases.yml
    • excludes titles from the link dictionary based on the content of the ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/external_links.yml file
  • in the third site generation pass, the generate_tooltips tool
    • finalizes the left navigation sidebar content from ${PROJECT_ROOT}/_data/navigation.yml
    • generates the HTML code from the link dictionary for the autolinks and tooltips
  • at runtime
    • .js code parts adds the tooltip code to the named anchors with specific autolink, tooltip class(es)
